Friday, April 17, 2009

7. Don't spend all your money on the down payment.

If you're moving into your first home, you'll have to buy things you never needed before, such as lawn mowers, yard tools and major appliances. You'll need cash for these purchases unless you're planning to mire yourself in credit card debt.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is the agency responsible for enforcing the federal Fair Housing Act.

Federal laws that prohibit housing discrimination on the basis of race or color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or disability.

The federal Acts apply to all aspects of the landlord/tenant relationship, from refusing to rent to members of certain groups to providing different services during tenancy.

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Home Warranty

A service contract that covers a major housing system--for example, plumbing or electrical wiring--for a set period of time from the date a house is sold.

The warranty guarantees repairs to the covered system and is renewable.

A Home warranty is a service contract that covers the repair and replacement costs of home appliances.

The warranty generally covers equipment and appliances such as dishwashers, plumbing systems, electrical systems etc. that fail due to normal wear and tear.

Coverage varies significantly across warranty companies. Home warranty contracts do not cover all home repairs.

Basic coverage includes plumbing, electrical, heating systems and major appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and ovens.

Many companies charge additional coverage for appliances such as clothes washers and clothes dryers, which are generally not covered.

6. Be ready to negotiate.

We got the sellers to lower their price by $7,000 and throw in a one-year home warranty, which will cover the cost of repairing or replacing the home's mechanical systems and major appliances. And we got a good deal on our homeowners insurance, with guaranteed replacement coverage at no extra cost.

5. Pay attention to the little things.

Because I thought I needed to rush to buy a home, I wasn't as objective during our home search as I should have been. When we finally walked into a house that met many of our requirements, we turned a blind eye to some things we should have paid closer attention to. And because the inspection didn't turn up any major problems, we decided to look past the minor ones. Well, it's the little things that can become big headaches once you move into a home.

Pay attention to how a home smells. A strong odor — especially a musty one — can be an indication of a bigger problem such as mold.
Look at small details, not just the big picture. If there are cobwebs in the corners, dirty windows, weeds in the lawn and leaves in the gutters, the sellers obviously didn't do a good job of keeping the property clean. If they haven't taken the time and money to maintain the little things, there's a chance they've let big things, such as plumbing or the heating and cooling system, fall into disrepair.

Don't think just because the house needs a few minor repairs or new paint on the walls, it will be cheap, quick and easy to tackle. Before you know it, the costs add up, it's taken a lot more time than expected and you've had to call in the experts to finish the jobs you couldn't handle on your own.

4. Accompany the inspector.

Most stories on homebuying advise you to have a home-inspection clause in your contract, giving you the right to have the property inspected and to withdraw your offer if the inspection report isn't satisfactory to you for any reason. What these stories often neglect to mention is that you should be present during the inspection. We weren't because we didn't want to spend the money on a flight to Kentucky. Now we know it would have been money well spent.

Sure, you'll get an inspection report. But it can be difficult making heads or tails of it. If you're present during an inspection, you can see problems with your own eyes, get an idea of how serious they are and ask the inspector how much he might think it will cost to repair them.

3. Find the perfect homefety

Realize you won't find the perfect home. Forget the idea of finding your dream home. It doesn't exist. You will not find a house that has everything you want, and none of the things you don't. Real-estate agents tell you to make a list of what's important to you — size, condition, location, style and price. That way you can zero in on a home that comes closest to suiting your wants and needs.

We wanted an old home with hardwood floors, a small yard, a garage that didn't face the street and a basement. We got a newer home with wall-to-wall carpeting, a big yard, a garage in the front of the house and a crawl space. That's because we had to give up some things to get others — like a big kitchen and plenty of bedrooms.

2. Take your time.

We thought we were ahead of the game by looking on the Web for homes. But every house we found online that we really liked was snatched up before we had a chance to go to Kentucky to check them out. I started to worry that if we didn't move fast enough, all the "good" houses would be gone.

By the time we actually went to Kentucky to look at homes, we had only two months before my husband had to start his new job. I was determined to find something — anything. My husband, the levelheaded one, urged me not to rush. Did I listen? No. As a result we settled for a house that had only a few of the things I wanted and many of the things I didn't want.

In retrospect, I realize homes constantly come on (and off) the market. You might not find your dream home, but you don't have to settle for any old house just because you feel under the gun to buy something. Consider renting to give yourself time to find the right home.

1. Lay the groundwork.

Our first step was figuring out how much house we could afford and how much we could borrow. If you're moving to a new community, be sure to find out what home prices are there. Housing prices can change dramatically from state to state and even city to city. You might also want to talk to friends or colleagues in the area about neighborhoods and other considerations only a local might know.

Tips for Housing Maintenace 1

Planned repair

Planned Repairs are non-urgent repairs or general maintenance jobs which will prevent your home falling into serious disrepair.

* Renewal of internal and external doors or windows.
* Renewal of baths, basins and toilets.
* Renewal of kitchen units and worktops.
* Rewiring (where this is not detrimental to health and safety of household).
* Renewal of paths (giving access to front or back doors) fences and gates.
* Repointing.
* Broken fences and gates.
* Badly fitting doors and windows.
* Replacement gutters and down pipes

Tips for Housing Maintenance 2

Priority three

Routine Repairs are non-urgent, everyday repairs which need to be carried out as a result of normal usage.

* Landlords lighting (only one or two lights affected)
* Minor repairs to external doors and window frames
* Minor plastering
* Running overflows in the spring and summer months

Priority four

* Small renewals, i.e. wc pans, cisterns and taps

Priority five

* Loose or broken gutters,
* Cracked windows
* Dripping cold taps
* Reglazes

Tips for Housing Maintenance 3

Priority two

Urgent Repairs are not emergencies but need to be carried out quickly in order to prevent further damage or discomfort.

* A partial loss of water or electricity supply
* A complete loss of heating and hot water sometime between April and October
* A partial loss of heating and hot water at any time of year
* Minor plumbing leaks
* A partly blocked sink
* A blocked bath or basin
* Running overflows
* Leaking hot taps where boiler fired up

Tips for Housing Maintenance 4

Priority one

Emergency repairs are those that need to be done when you, your home, or surrounding homes are in danger.

* Fire damage
* Severe water leaks
* A total loss of water
* Unsafe gas or electricity
* A gas leak in the home
* A total loss of heating and hot water sometime between November and March
* Blocked toilet or drain (when only one wc in the property)
* Making a property safe after a break-in
* Gain access after tenant has lost keys
* Jetting main drainage system